Standard Track Configuration – Heat Format
Race Order
Jr. Heavy (Track clean up after Races)
Sr Medium
Jr. Lite
Masters (Track Setup)
Top 5 in the final go to Tech
Let’s help each other by reminding your fellow racers to make sure they go to tech.
Note: Regarding Spec Fuel Change
Please note that for this weeks race and for the balance of the season we are reverting back to the spec fuel station as stated in rule 21.9 of the 2022 Rule Book.
The station is the ESSO station located at 1129 Hwy 5, Dundas, ON, L9H 5E2.
As a reminder:
– The fuel has to be 91 Octane
– Your race fuel is to be purchased on the morning of the race, not the night before.
– Ensure that you purge the line of any fuel left over from the last customer, to ensure you have the right fuel (recommend purging at least 2 litres).
– Always make sure your gas tank is clean to avoid contamination.
Race Day Sponsor: Kitty’s Ice Cream

Kitty’s Garage has quickly become a favourite place to visit when you are craving a nice treat. Whether that be one of their ice cream creations made with premium quality ice cream, a delicious pizza from their stone oven, or a cup of freshly brewed coffee. The menu includes several signature items such as a freshly baked cookie/ice cream sandwich, or a Ruth Lee Butter Tart Sundae. Some of the more traditional favourite’s are a Milkshake topped with syrup and whipped cream, or a Banana Split in a Waffle Bowl. For the pizza lover, they have a dry-cured Pepperoni Pizza that is always in demand.
Kitty’s Garage is located right beside the Rockton World’s Fairgrounds. They are open Tuesday through Sunday from 12:00 – 8:00 p.m., and open late on Fridays until 9:00 for cruising and date night. Their hours change in September, so folks are encouraged to follow them on social media for updates. Kitty’s Garage has become a regular stopping place for those who enjoy cruising in, or on, their favourite ride. You never know what you will see while enjoying your treats. On every long weekend from Victoria Day until Labour Day, they hold a “Cruise In” where they collect donations for the local food bank, and host dozens of cars in the field across the street.
The WRKC is thankful to have Kitty’s Garage as a Race Day Sponsor. The next time you visit them for a treat make sure you say, “Hi”, and thank them for being a Race Day Sponsor.
Congratulations to Race Day Number 5 Top 5 Drivers (by class):
1st Kaden Donkers
2nd Ryan Girard
3rd Everett Potter
4th Jacobs Ruelens
5th Logan Matheson
1st Wesley Donkers
2nd Andrew Adams
3rd Brandon Bowden
4th Cole Medeiros
5th Ryan Donkers
Jr. Lite
1st Adrian Sibbitt
2nd Carson McFarland
3rd Oliver Diaz
4th Austin Gordon
5th Dominic Baggio
Jr Heavy
1st Ethan DeMenna
2nd Ty Riopelle
3rd Grayson MacDonald
4th Griffin Nichols
5th Brodi Gibson
Sr. Medium
1st Ciarra Collison
2nd William Adams
3rd Ethan Donkers
4th Tyson Parsons
5th Owen Colling
1st Terry Ellwood
2nd Paul Harrison
3rd Greg Barton
4th Shaun Koenig
5th Scott Ellwood
Make sure to complete your waiver before coming to the track!
Waivers must be completed electronically for this race season by all participants, mechanics, and volunteers – if you are going to be on the grid at all this season you must complete a waiver! We will not be accepting any paper waivers.
Annual waivers can be completed at
Please be sure to complete this waiver and bring a screenshot of the confirmation to the track each race day. We will be checking that waivers are completed at registration each morning and handing out wrist bands to drivers, mechanics, and volunteers that have completed the waiver.
We will be checking wrist bands to ensure that anyone who is on the grid or track has completed a waiver and entering the grid without signing the waiver will have repercussions.
Important housekeeping items…
- Pre-Tech form: the pre tech form has updated for 2022 and posted on WRKC website under documents, please make sure you print some off and hand in each event prior to going on track.
- Registration: Registration on a regular race day will open at 7am. At this time, we will be only accepting cash or cheque at registration. Registration fees: $65.00 for a registered member, $85.00 non-members
- Top 5 Drivers must go straight to Tech after scaling their Kart
- Covid 19 Update: Wearing of masks is not mandatory, but we ask all participants to respect those that choose to do so.
- Volunteer Policy: WRKC is a non-profit and completely run by volunteers. We rely on our members to help with all areas of running a race day, this is from track set up to track tear down. With volunteers helping this allows us to keep are race day fee’s considerably lower than any other track in Ontario. We will be enforcing rule 14.8 this year as noted below. See website for our complete 2022 Rule book under the document tab. 14.8 Volunteering: It is the responsibility of the drivers and/or family members (for drivers under the age of 12) to volunteer for 15 minutes assisting in the weekly tasks required to operate a race day. One class will be selected weekly for mandatory participation (i.e. Track clean-up). Failure to comply may result in a 10-point penalty. Regrettably the WRKC Board of Directors find themselves in a position that they are going to have to start taking more action to enforce this rule.
- A class may be picked and a roll call conducted to ensure all drivers are at the drivers meeting. FAILURE TO ATTEND THE DRIVERS MEETINGS WILL RESULT IN THE DRIVER STARTING FROM THE BACK OF THE GRID FOR THE NEXT 2 HEATS (RULE 4.10).
Rules Reminders
Flags Used on the Race Track
With the season approaching the half way point it’s a good idea to review some of the flags used by race officials and what they are used for.
We will start with the expectation that we don’t need to cover the green flag as that was already done during the discussion on starting procedures, as was the checkered flag also. The flag that is the least seldom used, is typically the one that causes the most issues and chaos on the race track, the Red Flag. It is used to stop the karts on the track as quickly as possible to allow the officials to respond to an urgent safety related situation. This could be an upside down kart, or if any flag marshall is concerned that a driver is injured and needs attention from the EMT’s on site. It will be a waived flag at all turn stations and the start finish line. Drivers when they see this flag must take immediate action. Please take some time to review the procedure, there is zero tolerance for any drivers that don’t follow the instructions as listed below:
- Raise your arm,
- Start slowing your down,
- Move to the side of the track, and
If you are displayed a rolled up black flag it is a warning that you are in danger of receiving a black flag for an on-course violation such as blocking, or rough driving. You don’t have to leave the track but need to be mindful of the fact that the officials will be watching closely to make sure if you don’t commit a driving infraction that will warrant you being penalized. If you will not get any further warnings, you will receive an open black flag.
The open black flag shown to you at the start finish line or elsewhere on the race track indicates you have been given a penalty from the race officials and must exit the track. You will have 2 laps to do so. If you are not sure the flag was displayed for you, you can complete 1 more lap, if you see the black flag a second time (as cross the start finish line) you must leave the track with out crossing the start finish again. Failure to observe a open flag as described in the rule book in rule 6.6 and will result in immediate exclusion from the event. Further discipline may be assessed by the race officials.
The black flag with a large orange Circle (commonly referred to as the “Meatball”) Flag is shown at the start finish and may also be used elsewhere on the track to indicate to a driver that they must proceed immediately to the scale area. The flag is given to indicate you have a mechanical issue that you may not be aware of (engine problem, leaking fuel, parts not properly attached etc). This is not a disqualification from the race results, or points. You will be credited with the race position you attained while running on the track. Make sure you proceed to the scale and have your kart weighed as it was when you left the track. Failure to do so may result in receiving a last place finish.
Racing in the evening.
Race 7 will be be held during the evening. Although the track and pit area is lit in preparation we want to remind all racers to make sure they have a clear visor with them at the track that night. Also it is a good idea to bring some portable lights or flash lights for using in your pit area.
Note: The above is a summary of the rule. The WRKC 2022 rule book should be consulted if you have any questions regarding the rule or require more information.
Minimum Weight and Restrictor Specifications.
Cadet: .285″ slide Opening/.350 Plate (Honda 5.5) Kart & Driver Weight 225
Novice: Red slide/.500 Plate (Honda 5.5) Kart & Driver Weight Briggs 245, Honda 235
Jr. Lite: Blue slide/ no rest (Honda 5.5) Kart & Driver Weight 265
Jr. Heavy: Yellow slide/no rest (Honda 5.5) Kart & Driver Weight 300 Briggs, Honda 275
Sr. Medium: Black slide/no rest (Honda 6.5) Kart & Driver Weight 340 Briggs, Honda 360
Masters: Black Slide/no rest (Honda 6.5) Kart & Driver Weight 375 Briggs, Honda 385
1. All Weights are shown in imperial pounds
2. The above is provided for information only, the WRKC 2022 Rule Book will always take precedence to any other printed/posted information.
Upcoming Events
- Race Day #7 July 15th 2022 (Friday Evening)
- Race Day #8 July 23rd 2022
- Race Day #9 August 20th 2022
Thank you to our 2022 sponsors!
Thank you to our new and returning sponsors for their generous contributions to the club.
Class Sponsors
Cadet Collison Racing
Novice Touchwood Cabinets
Jr. Light Walker Machinery
Jr. Heavy Network Sewer and Watermain
Sr. Medium Expressway Trucks
Masters Flamboro Machine Shop
Race day sponsors:
Reliance Precision
Silvabuilt Construction
Network Sewer and Watermain
Grindstone Landscaping
Northside Trophies
Kittys Ice Cream Garage
Expressway trucks
VSR Racing
Platinum Karts and Parts
Wow 1 Day Painting
Invisible Fence K/W
Go Hot
Bast Medical
T. Weber Paving