The club is very pleased to have the support of Northside Trophies & Awards as this week’s race day sponsor. They have been a long-time supporter of our club and many of their trophies are proudly displayed by our race winners and year end champions. Considering we hand out approximately 750 trophies a year they are a vital part of every award celebration we stage throughout the year. This family owned business is located in St. Jacobs Ontario. The business was started in 1987, and was taken over by the current owners Dave & Robyn Gromeder in January of 1999. Northside trophies feature a complete line of award and recognition products. They provide In-house engraving, trophies, plaques, ribbons, lapel pins, glass and crystal awards. Their goal is to make you proud when presenting awards and to ensure you are, they check every order very carefully before it leaves the store. They have a large selection of awards on display in their showroom located at 140 Young Street St. Jacobs. They can be reached by calling 519-664-2866 Northside Trophies & Awards |
Printable Race Order – please note that we will be running qualifying format for this race
Revised Procedures, Waivers & Forms We would also highlight some of the changes to our normal race day structure.
- Please park in every other pit pad to assist with physical distancing
- Parking Map
- Yearly waivers for driver and race team – Please sign and submit a one time waiver that will cover the full 2021 race year and hand in to registration. This includes the full family/crew on site. Please write kart # and class at the top of the sheet.
- Member Waivers
- Minor Waiver
The Pre-Tech form is available for download. Limited copies will be available at the registration bin. You must complete a new pre-tech form each race day and submit to the pre-tech pit stall (located across from the registration bin)
NOTE: Briggs 2021 206 Canadian Rules are now available on the WRKC website under the documents tab
SPEC GAS STATION *** 91 OCTANE ONLY ***The ESSO station located on the North side of hwy 5 approximately 2 KM east of Hwy 8 & Hwy 5 intersection. To return to the track proceed North on either Westover Rd. or Middletown Rd. to 5th Concession Rd and then turn right (east)
Daily Race Schedule
- 6:30 am – gates open….trailers start arriving
- 7:00 am – registration and pre-tech open
- 8:00 am – registration closes
- 8:00 am – practice commences ( 2 for each class )
- 9:30 am – driver’s meeting
- 9:45 am – racing starts ( qualifying format or heats format)
- 2:00 pm – racing ends
- 2:00 pm – 3:00pm – post-tech , trophy presentations
Entry fees – $65.00 per registered WRKC member, $85.00 per non
member. Payment for this is Cash Or Chq Only please.